Saturday, February 28, 2009
What's Up Doc?
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Gigi, the Birthday Grandma!
Liam and Logan helping Gigi blow out her candle!
Happy 57th Birthday, Gigi!
We LOVE you!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Got Lucky?
Monday, February 23, 2009
Lainey's List
Life with CF.........
1. Lainey was my third pregnancy in 4 years! I had ALL day sickness for about 4 months and that is when Zofran became my best friend! I gained a lot more weight with her than I did with my other two pregnancies. I had placenta previa and a large bulging blood vessel in my right leg which could be quite painful at times. Other than feeling exhausted (who wouldn't be with a 3 year old boy, 1 year old boy, teaching 21 first graders, and being pregnant), I had an easy 2nd half of my pregnancy. I opted out of all blood tests since my two boys are healthy, plus nothing would have changed my mind about keeping my baby girl! My awesome OBGYN let me see her sweet face on the 3 - D ultrasound machine at each appointment!
Here are some pictures of our Lainey Bug from our trip to Target and playing at home!
Our Flower Bug
Bunny Bug!
Happy Bug!
Smiley Bug!
Silly Bug!
Babbling Bug!
Have a good week!
The SmithsonsSid, DeAnn, Logan, Liam, and Lainey
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Counting Calories and Having Fun!
This weekend the boys, Lainey, and I went to the local Home Show with my parents. Our home is fairly new, so I don't really know why I went other than it was an escape from the house! In addition to the escape, it meant that I had two other people helping me with my children for at least a couple of hours. Although one would think the home show would be boring to a 5 year old, almost 3 year old, and a 9 month old, the kids had a blast! They were some of the only, if not the only, kids at the home show. They racked up gathering free "goodies" from each booth! We now have mini flashlights, foam baseballs, potted flowers, notepads, pens, crayons, bandaids, coloring books, candy, and much more! I went to the Home Show several years ago and won a patio table and chairs, so that is always incentive for me. No such luck this year! I didn't win anything, but having a day of entertainment made me feel like a winner! Thanks mom and dad for getting all 4 of us out of the house! We had fun at the Home Show and enjoyed some yummy food at Brad's Grill (compliments of Gigi and Papa)!
Logan and the frog at the Home Show!
Liam did not want his picture taken....but here he is with the frog!
This week brings several appointments. We were suppose to go to the pediatrician's office and the CF Center last week, but our plans changed. The pediatrician was sick on Thursday, therefore Logan's 5 year checkup and Lainey's 9 month check up were cancelled. We are now scheduled to go this Thursday morning. I rescheduled Lainey's CF appointment because the boys were still under the weather from having Strep Throat. We will be going this Friday for her appointment at the CF Center, while Gigi and Papa go for their checkup at the cardiac clinic at Emory. This works out perfect because we can take one vehicle to Atlanta since the CF Center and Emory are next door to each other. I am also happy we are going the same day as my parents because now I do not have to find a babysitter for Lainey! Since my parents take care of Lainey, when they are traveling, at the doctor, or are sick, I must find another place for Lainey...or take a day off of work. I like being home with Lainey, but I am trying to save my days for our Disney Cruise in October and incase Lainey were to get sick. Thanks to Josie's mom, Kay, Lainey usually has a place to stay when Gigi and Papa are not available!Please pray for good visits at both the pediatrician's office and at Lainey's CF clinic. We are hoping that Lainey has met our goal of 18 lbs! Check back later this week for updates on our visits! :)
The Smithsons
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Birthodaycoccal Partyngitis
The Birthday Boy!
Hanging out with Strep Throat!
The Transformer Birthday Cake.
Logan and his friend Monkey Joe!
A cool UGA cork board from Reagan!
Thank you for the awesome gift Andrew....BAKUGAN is all Logan talks about after hanging out with you at school!
Thank you for the Power Ranger Grandma Carolyn and Papa David! Wish you could have been at the party!
For what is left of this week, I am hoping that Logan will get to go back to school. Liam went today but Logan stayed at Gigi and Papa's house. The boys are no longer contagious, but Logan still needs a little rest. Today I haven't felt very well, so I hope I have not caught any of the bugs that have been in our house.
Lainey is suppose to go to the CF Center on Friday for her monthly check up. Since the boys have been sick and may not be going to school, I might have to reschedule her appointment. My parents both have to go to Emory for a check up with the cardiologist on Friday, February 27th, so I may reschedule her appointment for then since the CF Center and Emory are so close to each other.
Please pray for a speedy recovery for the boys. Prayer is also needed for Sid, Lainey, and I....we really need to stay well! Thanks again for all of the birthday wishes and gifts!
DeAnnSaturday, February 14, 2009
Angels Among Us
On Monday, January 19, 2009, the kids and I were out of school for MLK day. Since I was with the kids it meant my parents had the "day off" from babysitting. My dad made an appointment in Gaffney, SC to have some work done on his motor home. Mom and Dad took the motor home to Gaffney, towing their car behind because the work on their motor home would take at least a week. On their way home they decided to eat dinner at the Olive Garden in Greenville, SC.
While waiting on their table, my mom sat down beside a lady with a child in her lap. My mom began talking to the lady about her little girl (mom doesn't meet a stranger). They made small talk with mom mentioning that she had a grandson close in age to the little girl. She also mentioned a little about having grand kids and keeping her granddaughters while Dayna (my sister) and I teach school. Their conversation was cut short due to an available table awaiting.
On January 25, 2009 I received an email from Mrs. Manning, a woman who found my blog while researching the medication her daughter is taking for acid reflux. Mrs. Manning mentioned in her email that her almost 2 year old daughter had several bouts of illness, some that included positive bacterial throat cultures. She said that the doctors suggested having her tested for CF, but when the bacteria went away on its own, they decided not to test her. One of the last things Mrs. Manning asked was about about a picture she saw on my blog. The lady labeled "Gigi" was the lady she thought she saw at the Olive Garden in Greenville, SC.
Before Mrs. Manning's email, I didn't even know my parents stopped at the Olive Garden in Greenville on their way home. I immediately called my mom to inquire about her encounter with Mrs. Manning. She confirmed that she spoke to a nice lady with a very calm (she noticed that because my 2 year old is far from being calm!) little girl sitting in her lap. We could not believe my blog brought her back into our lives for a second time. Was it a coincidence or was God trying to tell us something?
We emailed back and forth several times. Mrs. Manning had several questions about having her daughter tested for CF. Her daughter was ill again and they wanted to find the root of the problem. I encouraged her to go through with testing, if for nothing other than peace of mind. I checked my email every hour to find out the results. When I received the email with her daughter's results, a overwhelming sense of relief came over me. Her daughter's sweat test was negative! She does not have CF. Mrs. Manning's email also mentioned that she had something else to share with me, but she was really busy and would tell me later. The kid in me really likes surprises and suspense, and once again I found myself checking my email every hour.
On Wednesday, February 4th, after a long day at work, then church dinner, parenting class, bathing the kids, and getting them ready for bed, I finally had the opportunity to work on my taxes. I watched my favorite show, LOST, while working on my taxes. After my favorite show was over, I went downstairs to make lunches for the next day, when I spotted the mail. The anticipated wedding invitation to Chris and Kelly's wedding had arrived! There was also an envelope with my name from someone in South Carolina. Without thinking twice about the fact that I don't know anyone right off hand that lives in SC, I quickly opened the envelope (back to the excitement of getting mail!). A letter, a picture, and a check were enclosed in the envelope from SC. This is what the letter said...
DeAnn & Family,
In my last email, I made reference to something else I needed to tell you. I decided to mail this letter explaining an answered prayer that I have recently experienced.
Please accept this gift as the Lord has asked us to give it to you. I understand from your blog that you are a Christian family. Therefore, I am sure that you have the knowledge of the spiritual gifts of giving. We are a Christian family from Laurens, SC. We moved to Chapin, SC in October 2004 and attended Chapin Baptist Church during the four years that we lived there. We moved back to Laurens in June 2008 and have been attending NewSpring Church in Greenville, SC since our last move. Our faith has recently grown stronger. Your mother (Gigi) initially made contact with me in Olive Garden, Greenville, SC (January 19, 2009). I didn't realize it at the time but I have been praying for God to intervene and help us with a financial decision. We sold our house in Chapin in August 2008 and fortunately made a small profit during this time of economic crisis. We have been trying to decide where to contribute a portion of God's gift to us (housing profit). I received a book from NewSpring Church titles 'The Blessed Life' by Robert Morris. In regards to offerings over and above tithing, I learned that we are not to decide where to give but we should pray and ask God where He wants us to give. Prior to meeting your parents in Olive Garden, I just completed reading this book and have been in prayer over the material I have read. On January 25, 2009, I started an internet search on my daughter's reflux medication, Axid, and ended up on your blog. When you initially responded to my email on January 26, 2009 with the confirmation that I had met your mother- I knew that God was at work in this connection.
I called my husband at work on Tuesday (26th) and told him about my answer from God. I cried with joy. My husband, without hesitation, agreed that God is at work and is responding through this connection.
Your family blog and your email's with me have so greatly touched my heart. I really appreciate your communication with me through my daughter's sweat chloride test this past week. I have not ever developed an internet friendship such as this. I plan to pray for little Lainey and your family and keep in touch with her progress. She is such a beautiful baby and she deserves such a great family that you are.
Please accept this gift and Thank You and Your Family for allowing God to work through you in response to my prayers.
With Love, Prayers, and Thanks!
The Manning's
I was in tears reading this letter! Seeing their family picture helped put a face with their names. As if I was not already totally amazed in how God works and his intentions of bringing our families together, but the check that was enclosed with the letter and the picture was written to me in the amount of $1,000.00. I immediately handed the letter over to my husband, who was already thinking I was nuts because I was crying over this letter I received in the mail. Needless to say, he was balling after the second sentence! All he could say was, "Call your mom!"
Before my mother could say hello, I said listen to this letter I got in the mail (she was not shocked to get a call like this from me because I always call her like that when I have something important I need to tell her). She was totally taken aback. We were sure then that there are really angels among us. There is still good in this world. There are still people that truly believe in God's intentions.
Without hesitation, I blurted out my intentions of what the money would be used for ~ CF research! The Manning's gave the money to us, but in the long run what will make us the most happy? ~ A cure for CF. A good bill of health for our precious baby girl. A normal life for her in this not so normal world. A story for her to tell of the people who God led into her family's lives. The Manning's money could be the $1,000.00 that buys the ingredients that are mixed together to find the cure for Cystic Fibrosis. How could I ever keep that money for our usage? Yes, we have expenses we never thought we would have. Yes, we have medical bills that we are paying on. Yes, Lainey's monthly expenses are beyond what we financially are able to provide, but we make it. God has helped us this far and we know He will not let us down. I am sure He also wants us to donate the money to the CF Foundation.
In addition to the money the Manning's sent us, they also donated $200.00 in Lainey's honor to the CF Foundation. Lainey has her own gift registry through the CF Foundation with a current goal of $1000.00 by her first birthday to help fund Cystic Fibrosis research. With the $1,200.00 total donation from the Manning's and a donation from our friends The Childer's, we are well above our goal. We will also be going beyond this goal even farther with the help of our friend's, The Rock's. Their daughter, Campbell, will be turning 1 on March 25, 2009. In lieu of gifts, they are asking for donations to be made to the CF Foundation in Lainey's honor! We will also be doing the same for Lainey's 1st birthday. Our family is in awe over the number of people who are supporting us and the research that will ultimately save the people with Cystic Fibrosis. With this being said, I will be raising our goal this week from $1000.00 to $2,000.00 in donations by Lainey's 1st birthday.
Thank you so much Manning Family! God has shone His abilities through our connection. We are eternally thankful for your thoughtfulness and your donations, but more importantly for your friendship. We love you! :)
The Smithsons
Sid, DeAnn, Logan, Liam, and Lainey
Friday, February 13, 2009
The BIG Man is 5!!
Logan shares his birthday with Abe Lincoln, or as he says it "Haberham Lincoln." He requested a party at school consisting of cupcakes (because "cake is not allowed" ~ per Logan), Capri Sun, and goodie bags! I was able to take about 45 minutes off of work to celebrate his birthday with his pre-k friends! Logan thought everything was the coolest and required me taking a picture!
The Birthday Boy!
Logan and his pre-k friends!
Later in the evening we celebrated Logan's birthday by eating pizza and cupcakes! We invited several family members, but some were unable to make it to the party. Gigi and Papa let us celebrate at their house with Papa Dan and Rachel and of course Sid, Liam, Lainey, and I. Logan got so many presents he wasn't sure what to play with first! Grandma Barbara and Great Grandma Smithson were unable to make it to the family party, but they sent a lot of gifts. He is having a blast with all of his cool new toys...that he really didn't need because we already have a ton of toys at our house! Thank you to everyone for the awesome gifts. His birthday wish ~ "Mom won't yell at me when I do things I am not suppose to do!" AHHH...way to make me feel like a loser! Thanks Logan James!
Logan making his birthday wish.
Papa Dan and Lainey Bug
Liam eating a cupcake...yum!
Today I also had a follow up doctor appointment with the endocrinologist. Blah! For some reason my prolactin levels are still elevated (prolactin causes you to lactate, when you are nursing and sometimes when you are not nursing). They were actually higher than they were in September and November when they were last tested! I will continue taking the Cabergoline to help with this issue. My iron was still low even though I am taking a daily iron pill. My estrogen was still low, but not as low as before (was 7, now 22, should be around 500). Hopefully my prolactin levels will decrease and as a result the estrogen increase. If that does not happen, it will be determined that my pituitary gland is no longer working and I will be put on estrogen. My vitamin D also continues to be low...lower than it was in September...and with me taking 5,000 units per day and an addition 50,000 units per week to total 85,000 units per week! The recommended level of vitamin D is at least 32...mine is 19. I guess I will have to lay outside in the nude....just kidding....I don't want my neighbors to move or die for that matter! :)
Sunday, February 8, 2009
A Buggy Kind of Day
Friday night, Jenn and I went to Atlanta to eat (without kids and husbands) and spent the night at Grandmomma's house (Jenn's Grandmother-in-law). Grandmomma lives on the same road as the Cystic Fibrosis Center at Egleston! We had a great time eating at Chili's without someone throwing a fit, someone needing more juice, someone tying to get out of the highchair, and someone having to go to the bathroom! It was nice to have an adult conversation and actually enjoy a meal! Staying at Grandmomma's was also great because we left her house at 7:50 am for the CF Family Day, which began at 8:00 am! This was way better than driving an hour from Gainesville and hoping we got their on time. Thank you for letting us stay at you house Grandmomma!
When we finally found our way to the CF Family Day activities, there was a wonderful spread of breakfast foods. While we ate we walked around to all of the CF related vendors. There were so many vendors with things I had never seen before. Jenn and I had a great time walking around to each vendor. We learned and saw a lot of cool things...we also picked up a lot of FREE goodies! If anyone uses Ultrase, the rep informed me that there will be some new and exciting things the company will be starting soon...but she couldn't tell me about it yet! She said the people using Ultrase, Scandi Shakes, etc. will receive something in the mail around February 16th! I can't wait to find out what is new!
The CF Family Day also included several speakers sharing information about current CF research, nutrition, phase 3 drugs, and the importance of airway clearance. I learned soooo much! To answer Reilly's mom, Cindy's question she once asked, Do CF carriers have symptoms?, YES! The doctors said that many carriers of CF may also have sinus issues, asthma, frequent upper respiratory infections, digestive issues, anemia, vitamin D deficiencies, and more!! Hearing this bit of information gave me some understanding behind many of my personal health issues. I am constantly battling a sinus infection, I have had sinus surgery, each winter/spring I get chronic bronchitis, I have always had digestive issues, I am anemic and vitamin D deficient! could think I had a mild case of CF...but my blood work says I am just a carrier of Delta F508!
I learned that 90% of people with CF or people who are carriers of CF, have the gene mutation DF508. Researchers are working on ways to correct the DF508 mutation. It is believed that if at least one of the mutations causing CF can be corrected, then it would be as if the person who once had CF was now just a carrier! Since carriers are typically healthy people, the hope is that would also be the case for those with the repaired mutation. The data and research findings were incredible. A CURE is within reaching distance....I am sure! It was noted that they are having difficulty funding the much needed research due to the economy, so it is up to the people who are affected by CF to spread awareness. It is vital to Lainey's life as well as others affected by CF for the CF Foundation to continue receiving funding for their research. Please donate if you will be saving lives sooner rather than later! Here is the link to Lainey's donation page ~
There was so much more I learned, but I could never post all of it...not because I can't remember or don't have the energy to talk about it...but because I don't have the time to type it all! Talking is my favorite thing to if most people didn't already know ask me some questions the next time you see me!
Please continue to pray for our family! I think we are all over the stomach virus, but we all still have stuffy and runny noses! We are hoping that Lainey's runny nose goes away or at least continues to stay clear! This week brings many things...inquiring about putting our house on the market, Logan's 5th birthday, doctor appointments, a WIC appointment, Valentine parties, Synagis shots, and I am sure there will be more! Good health and sanity continues to be in my hourly prayers!
Have a blessed week,
PS ~ Lainey is sitting up on her own now!! YEA Lainey! She loves seeing everything from her new view!